Poo~Pourri “No Pressure” Campaign

Campaign: Poo-Pourri’s “No Pressure” Campaign playfully reminds bathroom-goers* that leaving behind a horrific odor in the public bathroom isn’t exactly the end of the world. Close, but not quite.

*I thought “bathroom-goers” was funny.

Insight: Let’s face it, embarrassment’s a shitty feeling. People would rather power through a day of discomfort than leave a gut-wrenching stench in a public bathroom.

Strategy: The “No Pressure” campaign is for people who’d rather feel their stomachs spin than poop outside their homes. The ads will encourage customers to relieve their pressure using epic cinematic visuals to show that dumping is doable with Poo-Pourri.

Execution: Launch in April-June 2024 due to increased outdoor activity.

Extension #1 - Just “Doo” It.

Got the runs? So do we. Featuring a cinematic commercial with an actor showcasing Nike’s new athletic running shoes heading straight to the finish line! or… past the finish line? They’re running to the bathroom?! Being healthy requires regular #2’s, part with your protein shakes in a less than stinky way with Poo~Pourri.

Extension #2 - Reading Material. (Stunt)

It’s a sign. Literally. As public transit riders in major cities turn to sit down on the toilet (likely after caving in after holding it) a humorous ad for Poo-Pourri can be placed behind the stall door. The graphic will position Poo-Pourri as the reader's “get out of stinky jail” card, empowering the reader to try the product next time.

Extension #3 - AMC Parternship, The Poo~Pourri Movie Trailer

*Deep narrator voice* “In a world, where shit is out of control… one product is here to make it a little less… shitty.” Since the “No Pressure” campaign follows a fantastical cinematic visual direction, what better way to stay on theme than a gag trailer to play before a movie starts. Only this time, Poo~Pourri is the familiar strong hero we come to know.


Neighborhood Guide SARANKCO: Creative Studio


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